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Delivering the skills strategy of the last ten years

By Michelle Rainbow, Skills Director of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership

From the start, we had the bold ambition at the North East LEP to become a national exemplar for skills, social mobility and inclusivity. It’s why we’ve consistently championed an ‘each and every’ approach which has been at the heart of the Strategic Economic Plan, ensuring no one is left behind. It’s been quite a journey. 

When I first joined the North East LEP, the approach to skills and inclusion was very theoretical. One of my first jobs was to humanise the economic data and make it all about people and how we could get systems moving and stop those needing extra help from falling through the cracks. We needed something to be delivered through our partners to fix the systemic issues holding people back. 

Our initial focus was on older workers, how to support people back into work, how to deliver digital inclusion, how to retain graduates within the region, how to become attractive to new investment in the region and how to have the right pipeline and skilled workforce for businesses to grow and thrive.

These were big challenges and we had to address them all. 

Ten years is a long time for economic development and regional skills policy. Since 2014, we’ve seen many leaders come and go. Each new prime minister and secretary of state brought different policies and priorities, which meant working closely with the Department of Education (DfE) to navigate each change. 

Establishing good working relationships with the DfE, other government departments, and partners within the North East was a priority from the start. We knew that to have a serious impact, we’d need a depth of trust enabling mutual challenges regarding how money should be spent. 

We developed excellent relationships with further education colleges, schools, universities and independent training providers and it made a difference. People knew we were there to listen and were striving to do the right thing with the budgets, constraints and influence that we had. Similarly, we welcomed their honesty, commitment and equal ambition to deliver everything to the highest standards. 

In time, our consistent approach to Skills partnership working and delivery led to the North East being chosen to pilot various initiatives, the most well-known being the Career Benchmarks, later rolled out more widely by the Gatsby Foundation, which initiated and funded the scheme. The success of this led to the government launching new statutory guidance for schools on how to deliver careers education with the Gatsby Career Benchmarks at the heart. This legacy is one the team and I are very proud of. 

Having a genuinely strategic long-term plan and sticking to it meant we weren’t blown about too much by political headwinds. Being led by the evidence helped to steady the ship through the turbulence of the pandemic, the UK’s exit from the EU, and challenges facing the education landscape post-COVID. Having clear goals with a clear message was really helpful to everyone involved with strategy, policy, and delivery. 

A hugely positive development as we move forward is that we will have scope and remit that we haven’t had to date. 

You cannot disconnect things like employment and inclusion from health, housing and transport. While before we could go so far in economic development terms, through the new North East Combined Authority, we’ll be able to go much further and connect all these things up. 

These significant step changes as we merge into the new combined authority and get more funding and powers are welcomed here and by our partners. I can’t wait to be part of the team to make this happen. 

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Your opportunity to shape careers education for students in the North East

By Denis Heaney, Enterprise Adviser Hub Lead at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership

It is quite common to hear employers expressing concerns that young people joining the workforce don’t have the skills businesses require, and recognise a disconnect between the skills they acquire through school, college and universities, and those needed by the world of work.

Thankfully, things are changing. There are more opportunities for industry to work in partnership with academia to influence curriculum development, provide workplace experiences, and educate young people about the careers opportunities available to them.

One of the most successful approaches has been the creation of the Enterprise Adviser Network; a group of passionate and dedicated business leaders that work with schools and colleges to bridge the gap between education and employment, and work with teachers and young people to deliver quality careers education.

Here in the North East, we currently have 191 business leaders in our Enterprise Adviser Network, but we’re looking to boost that number and partner more industry professionals with local schools and colleges.

One of the most common questions I get from businesses when speaking to them about joining the Enterprise Adviser Network is, ‘how much of my time will it take?’ Well the good news is, no matter how much, or how little, time you have available, we can make it meaningful. I think employers often underestimate the positive influence they can make by engaging with education. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1% of your time or 100%, the support we offer ensures your time is impactful.

Being an Enterprise Adviser is about bringing like-minded people together to make a difference in education. And how people choose to do that can be very different.

We’ve had Enterprise Advisers join the Board of Governors to influence at a strategic level, and we’ve also supported Enterprise Advisers to consult on careers programmes in schools. Some Enterprise Advisers have provided a mentoring role to teachers and students, whilst others have helped deliver curriculum-based projects. Whilst the pathways have all been very different, the end result is always the same; better careers education for students, which leads to better outcomes. 

An increasingly popular area of support is improving teachers’ understanding of industry by providing time in the workplace. Teachers – along with parents/guardians – are the biggest influencers when it comes to careers guidance. By helping teachers better understand the local economy, they are more equipped to connect learning to the world of work.

Our job at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership is to ensure the engagement businesses have with schools and colleges is as much about meeting business needs, as it is improving career outcomes for students. Employers have the opportunity to influence what teaching looks like, and how the curriculum can deliver the talent and skills they need to fill the jobs of the future.

I very much see the Enterprise Adviser Network as the vehicle for industry to engage with education.

If you or your business would like to find out more about joining the Enterprise Adviser Network and inspiring the next generation about the amazing career opportunities the North East, we’d love to hear from you. You can complete an Expression of Interest via our website – www.northeastambition.co.uk – or email GoodCareers@nelep.co.uk.

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High Force Research apprenticeship case study

In conversation with Jane Klotz, HR Manager at High Force Research

Why did High Force Research choose to invest in apprenticeships?

There are two reasons why the company is so supportive of apprenticeships.

The first is that it’s at the heart of our directors whose own career journeys started down that route. It’s very much a value that we have within the organisation; to give young people an opportunity and route into life sciences.

And second, we see it as a great way to attract young talent, especially those that feel University isn’t the route for them. We could be losing out on some great chemists by only taking on graduates.

What are some of the benefits of taking on an apprentice?

We can mold apprentices in the way we want to, and by learning on the job they very quickly become productive. We are able to get our apprentices working alongside our existing team early on and teach them the things we think they need to learn.

The two apprentices in the company at the moment – Charlie and Jude – are both very committed, and so are the two new apprentices we’re taking on in the autumn. They’ve all demonstrated a real willingness to learn and a passion for life sciences.

Apprenticeships are cost effective too. We’ve chosen to pay more than the apprenticeship rate, and we review salaries annually as they progress through their training. There are no tuition fees for the apprentice to pay and because we’re an SME we only pay a nominal amount towards their academic learning. So it’s really good value for money.

Do you think there is a lack of understanding in the sector about the value of apprenticeships?

Yes, definitely. Historically people still see apprenticeships as being a poor relation to other qualifications.

Apprenticeships are certainly working for us, and the conversations I’ve been having with peers in recent weeks suggest they are beginning to open their eyes and see them as a way forward too.

Why do you think apprenticeships and other vocational qualifications are an important route to careers in health and life sciences?

University isn’t for everyone; I didn’t go to university. How many 18 years old really know what they want to do as a career. Choosing the right degree, and the cost implications that come with it, can be difficult depending on your socio-economic background.

Apprenticeships give people the option to pursue something they love and be on a financial par with graduates. Our apprentices will achieve two qualifications, a degree in Laboratory Science and an apprenticeship qualification. The apprenticeship covers a lot more around business management and all the processes the apprenticeship framework covers. It makes them a very well rounded individual.

Apprenticeships build that understanding of the workplace and develop a business mindset.

Do you think apprenticeships can help address some of the skill gaps in the sector?

Yes, definitely. Because of the way the course is structured and apprentices join from age 18 and 19, we can start to lay those foundations to help them understand what skills and knowledge they need, how we do business, and what the world of work is about. And at the same time they’re learning the technical skills and knowledge that enable them to do the job effectively.

How has the High Force Research apprenticeship programme benefitted the company?

Both Charlie and Jude have a real enthusiasm for what they do and that’s reflected in the quality of their work.

In the second year of his apprenticeship, Jude was one of our most experienced QC analysts. His productivity, even within the first two years of his four-year course, was phenomenal. And Charlie is very much the same.

In the first six months of an apprenticeship, people are picking up the skills, techniques and knowledge so they’re not as productive at that stage. But that changes very quickly and Charlie and Jude are now training some of our new graduates.

Graduates often come to us with a degree in chemistry, but they’ve then got to apply that knowledge to a workplace environment. And it’s all quite new for them; it’s on a completely different scale to what they’ve experienced at University. They don’t, for example, understand the quality system we work towards, whereas our apprentices are learning that from day one. That’s why they’re able to train and mentor new starters.

Why should other health and life sciences businesses consider taking on apprentices?

It’s good for business. I think people worry its going to be a huge burden but it’s actually contributing to your success.

It helps with succession planning too as you’re creating a pipeline of future talent. You also get to nurture that talent and help people grow through their careers.

We’re making sure our apprentices have the opportunity to work in different areas too, so Charlie, for example, will be working with the R&D team. He will be building on the skills he already has.

It’s good for business and I think it’s the right thing to do; it’s a moral obligation.

What advice would you give to other health and life sciences businesses that are considering taking on apprentices?

Think about where that young person would be best placed within the business. Have you got a good team around them and can you allocate a mentor. Do you need to provide some training for that person to be a good mentor or do you already have those skills within your existing team?

Be really clear that you’re giving that young person the best possible experience so you’re setting them up to succeed, not to fail.

We decided to take on two apprentices so they could buddy up with each other. It can be tough fitting in work, study and meeting various deadlines. We do provide time for them to study, and we also provide flexible working. Businesses should think about their working pattern and if they have the right supervision in place.

Finding the right partner is also key. Some providers ask apprentices to go in once a week, and others provide distance learning. Businesses need to consider what the right learning style is for each individual apprentice. You do need to make sure your apprentices are hitting their milestones, and the partnership provider will help with that.

We also had no problem finding apprentices. We advertised via the government website and within one week we had 50 applicants.

I think businesses have a responsibility to create opportunities for young people. They’re the talent of the future.

In conversation with Charlie Ellison and Jude Humphrey, apprentices at High Force Research

Why did you choose to study an apprenticeship over other routes to employment, e.g. A Levels?

Jude: When I was at school I always liked the practical side of things, and the unique appeal of an apprenticeship was that I’d get to work in a lab every day doing hands on work alongside the academic work. That really appealed to me

An apprenticeship is a really good opportunity to get the skills you need in industry whilst you’re studying. And you’re also earning a wage at the same time.

Charlie: For me it was about gaining experience in the workplace, specifically in a lab environment, whilst still achieving a degree. It really gives you an edge over people that go down the university route because they have the theory, but not the manufacturing experience.

You save a lot of money too, there are no tuition fees to think about. Our fees are paid and we earn a wage.

How do you think gaining practical experience while you study will benefit your career?

Charlie: When I’ve spoken to chemists that came from an undergraduate route, they’ve told me lots of jobs they’ve applied for require two years’ experience. Because Jude and I have chosen an apprenticeship route, we now have four years’ experience. That gives us a significant head start over other people. It really improves your confidence as you develop in your career.

Jude: If we were up against the same person going for a job, but they were fresh out of university, we’ve got the same degree but five years of industry experience and we’re fully trained. That gives us a massive advantage over that person.

Also, some of the work I do at university as part of my apprenticeship feeds into my role at High Force Research, and vice versa. I work in analytical chemistry and we’ve just got a new analytical unit at university. A lot of the work we’ve done I already know, which has given me a head start with coursework. I’m also learnt a lot of new things that I can bring into the business too.

What do you enjoy most about your apprenticeship?

Jude: I think for me it’s getting to do lab work everyday. I get to do a range of different analytical techniques and employ a wide range of skills. I’m always being trained in new things so work always feels fresh and different.

As part of our apprenticeship we get 20% of our time to invest in studying and training so I’ve done a first aid course and fire warden training, which has given me some additional qualifications.

We also still get to visit University and take part in social events with other people on our course, so we’re not missing out on that university experience either.

Charlie: There’s a great team of chemists and office staff here who are always available to help me, Jude and new starters to the business. It’s such a nice friendly group of people. The management team is always pushing to give us extra opportunities and experiences too. I got to work in our research site at NETPark and do some completely different chemistry, which was an excellent experience.

It’s a nice feeling to know you’re being trusted with new opportunities. We’re not treated like an apprentice; we feel part of the team.

Why should other young people interested in a career in health and life sciences consider an apprenticeship?

Charlie: After doing it for three years, I definitely wouldn’t change my decision about doing an apprenticeship. For me, it’s been a much better experience than going to university.

I’ve really valued being trusted and having the opportunity to work alongside high-level chemists as well as lecturers. Jude and I are currently the only two apprentices at High Force Research and we get to be around PhD and masters chemists who share their knowledge with us and help us develop. We learn things you just wouldn’t cover at university.

Jude: You get a real in-depth knowledge of industry and understand how a company works. People that do a degree don’t get that. We’ve gained skills in other areas too, like business improvement, and health and safety. We’ve also seen how to take an idea right through to the product stage.

There’s also the added benefit that, for most people studying an apprenticeship, you have a guaranteed job after too.

To find out more about High Force Research, visit highforceresearch.com

To find out more about apprenticeships, visit northeastambition.co.uk/options

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An outstanding college business partnership in Ashington

When a college and local business share a common goal, they can build a special working relationship that achieves exceptional results. The close partnership between AkzoNobel and Northumberland College has developed a whole-college approach to high quality careers guidance and a successful pathway into local employment.

A global manufacturer of paints and coatings, AkzoNobel opened a new factory in Ashington five years ago. Despite its international profile, the company recognised its responsibility to tackle the local challenge of long-term high unemployment in rural Northumberland. It identified a strategic objective to enhance careers education and ensure a future local workforce.

The North East LEP played a key role in establishing and cultivating the partnership between AkzoNobel and Northumberland College. Enterprise Co-ordinator Lucy Johnson laid the groundwork with an understanding of the needs and ambitions of both organisations. This ensured a positive and sustained match. The LEP facilitated discussions, fostering a mutual understanding of each other’s agendas, terminology and organisational structures. All sides recognised the immense benefits of a whole-college approach, with the full support of Vice Principal Vikkie Morton and with AkzoNobel joining the board of governors.

This unique partnership gave Director of Student Services Ruth Magnus and AkzoNobel Enterprise Adviser Alex Wardle the autonomy and scope to deliver an ambitious strategic careers plan. Ruth introduced Alex to the college’s relevant curriculum departments and student communities. A whole-college approach, says Ruth, provides learners with the best guidance and employer encounters, “from their first course of study through to their next steps into employment, apprenticeships or higher education.”

Working closely with Curriculum Director Robert Stewart, they identified areas where AkzoNobel could make positive interventions. For example, AkzoNobel used its industry knowledge, technical expertise and focus on lean techniques to introduce practical problem solving methodologies and theories on personality types into pastoral lessons.

Alex is an enthusiastic and engaged Enterprise Adviser who has devoted time to thoroughly understand how the college works. This dedication has given AkzoNobel insight into how they can best add value in preparing students for the world of work. “The right frame of mind is key”, says Alex. Students need to be encouraged to start thinking early about their career progression and to understand the behaviours and attributes employers are looking for.

The college is piloting a Reward and Recognition Scheme to emphasise employability skills. Over the year, AkzoNobel will run three masterclasses for Engineering and Construction students. The college will award students with a certificate based on their attendance and progression, as well as volunteering in the community. This certificate will be recognised by AkzoNobel and guarantee them an interview, demonstrating their readiness for the world of work.

Alex expects this scheme to expand into other curriculum areas, and Ruth would like to see it replicated across the Education Partnership North East, building similar relationships between Sunderland College and Hartlepool Sixth Form and local employers.

AkzoNobel also supports the college with workshops, one-to-one sessions and mock interviews, as well as site visits and work experience placements. Last month, Northumberland College held a successful career fair for National Careers Week, where students learned more about opportunities with AkzoNobel and other local employers.

Alex is a driving force in the expanding and deepening cooperation between the college and local business. She has been instrumental in bringing more employers and colleges together through her work with the Enterprise Adviser Network. By working collaboratively across colleges, this group of advisers has been able to share and promote best practice.

AkzoNobel now has former college students working at its Ashington site and sees more leavers applying. The partnership also contributes to job satisfaction and wellbeing at AkzoNobel. “Going into college and delivering a masterclass is not part of the normal job,” explains Alex, but it has led to greater engagement in the team. For example, when a new operator came for an interview, he remembered the site manager from a college visit. “It’s lovely for the employees to know they can have an impact, even if it is a couple of years down the line.”

Ruth reports significant improvement in soft skills at the college, including attendance. In addition, students have a more positive attitude on campus and are more engaged with their studies. This strong performance has followed through into work experience, with fewer placements breaking down due to attendance or attitude. Employer feedback also shows greater satisfaction with students.

“Education feeds industry”, says Alex, and “it’s absolutely the right thing for business to support the college and in the past, we have let that relationship drift apart.” Ruth agrees: “Our courses need scrutiny from business to keep them relevant and up-to-date.” This engagement is essential to ensure students have the values and skills for a successful career. “It is necessary,” says Alex, “if businesses want to be sustainable, with a future ready workforce. It is the only answer.”

Find our more about the North East LEP’s Enterprise Adviser Network, and how your business can support careers education in the region.

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North East businesses helping young people at risk of long-term unemployment into work

Employers in the North East are helping young people at risk of long term unemployment take their first steps into the workplace.

Businesses including Sunderland-based automotive manufacturer Unipres have signed up to the Kickstart Scheme, which provides funding to employers to create six month job placements for people aged between 16 and 24 who are receiving Universal Credit.

Unipres currently employs 35 Kickstart trainees and has plans to recruit five more in the next few weeks.

Rob Dodds, Apprentice Coordinator at Unipres, explained: “The reason we got involved is that it’s an ideal opportunity to give young people a chance to gain valuable experience in the workplace.

“They’re indispensable to the business as well – it’s another form of recruitment for us and these are the future stars. It’s a win-win situation for the business and for the trainees.”

The Kickstart Scheme offers funding to cover the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus the associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions. Funding is also available to support young people to develop new skills and to help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart-funded job.

20-year-old Ehsan Izadi, who is working as part of the Quality Assurance team at Unipres, said: “I was working in a pizza shop but when COVID came around, the shop was closed. I was looking for a job and saw the opportunity with Unipres. It was easy to apply through the job centre and it was a big opportunity for me.

“I like learning and improving my CV – if you have six months experience at Unipres it’s really important for your CV.”

Another North East business taking part in the Kickstart scheme is Northumbrian Water. Kay Penney, Human Resources Director at Northumbrian Water, said: “When the Kickstart Scheme was announced by the Government, we jumped at the opportunity to support young people to increase their employment prospects.

“So many of our workforce have come to us as young people, taking their first steps in the world of work, or returning to employment after enforced breaks, and they have become valuable employees playing important roles in our business.

“The jobs market is a very competitive place at the moment, whatever experience you have, but we know many young people are really finding it hard to get a break. We hope that the experience, learning and qualification they get from coming to us through the Kickstart Scheme will give them a valuable step up.”

Michelle Rainbow, Skills Director at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership, added: “Through Kickstart, businesses can help young people gain skills and experience that will help them to avoid long-term unemployment.

“And of course, support like this is especially important now, as so many young people have seen their plans affected by the pandemic. The fact that the North East business community has the opportunity to step up and help young people avoid unemployment is fantastic.”

Joanne Jobling, Service Leader for DWP in Northumberland, Tyne & Wear said:

“Kickstart has already made a remarkable difference to the lives of many young people – with the support of businesses, we want to maximise the impact of Kickstart in the North East, changing more lives for the better and supporting our economy now and in the future. We are working closely with the North East LEP and other key partners to encourage as many young people as possible to contact their local jobcentre to apply for the fantastic opportunities that are being created.”

Businesses in the North East can apply to join the Kickstart Scheme through the North East Growth Hub. Businesses can also register to join an online event by the IoD North East on 30 June, explaining more about Kickstart. Register for a free place here.

Kickstart vacancies in the North East will be advertised via northeastopportunities.co.uk.

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Universities in the North East vow to help region bounce back stronger from COVID-19

Universities, employers, and local leaders will be working together to create thousands of local jobs as the recovery from the pandemic gathers pace.

New research published by Universities UK (UUK), ‘Universities and the UK’s economic recovery: an analysis of future impact’, which was compiled by the National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE), predicts that over the next five years universities in the North East will:

  • Be involved in research projects with partners worth almost £1 billion.
  • Help 725 new businesses and charities to be formed.
  • Train over 10,000 nurses, almost 4,000 medics and 8,000 teachers.

The research is published as UUK launches #GettingResults – a campaign to put universities at the heart of the economic and social recovery – with a renewed commitment from universities to do even more to reach out to new partners locally and nationally and deliver even greater impact than currently estimated.

The work is being overseen by a newly created Universities UK Economic and Social Taskforce, which is led by Professor Chris Day, Vice-Chancellor of Newcastle University, and a board member of Universities UK.

Professor Day said:

“Universities are at the heart of the nation’s recovery from the pandemic. Over the past year we have seen first-hand what can be achieved through strong collaboration between our universities and their partners.

“Now universities want to do more, to help the UK to bounce back stronger, with opportunity and prosperity spread across the country. We are looking to form strategic partnerships with employers and sector bodies throughout the UK to strengthen collaboration between universities and their partners.

“A great example of this is the Newcastle Helix, a £350m development with 2,600 jobs in 65 different organisations on the site. This true coming together of academia, business, public sector and more has been innovating and collaborating to support the global fight against COVID-19. Not only to combat the immediate impacts but preparing cities and regions for our post-covid world.”

Throughout the pandemic, businesses, and a wide range of sectors not just within the North East region, but across the UK, have suffered greatly, leading to economic and social damage. The contributions made by universities and their students through knowledge and skills exchange, partnerships and support for local employers have huge potential to help businesses, industries, and other partners to continue, recover and thrive following the pandemic.

The skills of graduates from Newcastle, Durham, Northumbria, Sunderland and Teesside universities will also have an important role to play in the future success of businesses and sectors during the Covid-19 recovery process.

  • Newcastle University has been running bootcamps for student or graduate entrepreneurs.  One successful enterprise has been the creation of the ‘Spareable‘ app which enables individuals to donate to their local food bank remotely to save time and food waste. The platform is now providing 25% more food for food banks and its founder – Electronic Business and Information Systems MSc graduate Masitano Sichone – was recently named a ‘Top 100 Changemaker 2020 Defeating Poverty.’
  • Durham University, Sphera UK is a student spinout based in Stockton-on-Tees that is focussed on developing carbon zero and carbon negative concrete blocks. Their innovation pipeline includes a concrete accelerant to speed up concrete curing rate and decrease cement content. These pioneering solutions are developed to help tackle climate change by offering the industry low carbon material alternatives that specifically focus on embodied carbon content.
  • Newcastle Business School, at Northumbria University, has worked with the Small Business Charter over the past year to provide a government-funded programme for leaders of small businesses across the North of England to survive and thrive following the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this Small Business Leadership programme Northumbria supported more than 180 businesses across the North East and Cumbria. Based on its success, Northumbria has now been selected as the only university in the region to deliver a follow-up programme called Help to Grow Management. The new programme is backed by £150 million of additional Government funding to help up to 30,000 SMEs across the UK – including a significant number in the North East.
  • Over the past year, Teesside University has assisted more than 220 small and medium sized businesses with 339 projects. It has also helped launch 11 new businesses, worked with a total of 34 start-ups, and prepared 26 budding entrepreneurs through the Microbiz Academy programme. The University has also matched 156 graduate interns with work in Tees Valley businesses and provided digital skills training for 276 people.
  • The University of Sunderland has recently established the new £1.6million Digital Incubator at St Peter’s Campus, which is already playing a key role in supporting entrepreneurial students who want to establish their own online businesses, many of which will be based in the north-east.

Durham University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stuart Corbridge said:

“At Durham University we’ve been part of the North East landscape for nearly 200 years and we make a significant positive contribution to the regional economy.

“We’re proud of the support we offer our academics and students in their launching of innovative businesses here in the North East, creating high-quality jobs and driving the economy. From electrochemical wound healing to efficient electrical circuits in space, our departments are at the forefront of innovation.”

Professor Andrew Wathey CBE, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Northumbria University, said:

“We are more strongly enthused than ever by our roles as anchor institutions, as major employers and as key partners in driving regional economic and social recovery. It has never been more important, given the enormous challenges created by Covid-19, and the huge opportunities to shape the North East’s economic landscape through our research and our graduates, that we work together to address need and maximise impact.

“We know that Northumbria’s investments in high-level skills, research, entrepreneurship and economic growth, and improving employment opportunities, are key to helping the North East build forward better and shape a better future.  As the largest provider of graduates in the North East’s professional and managerial jobs market we are also strongly placed to deliver highly-skilled graduates to the regional workforce as it grows, modernises and develops.”

Sir David Bell KCB DL, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Sunderland, said: “As we begin to rebuild from the pandemic, the role of universities is more relevant than ever.

“Data released recently in Research England’s first Knowledge Exchange Framework revealed the University of Sunderland to be in the top 10% of universities nationally for contributing to local growth and regeneration, through projects like the Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing (SAM) initiative, which has just been evaluated as contributing a gross £43 million to the regional economy.”

Teesside University Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Professor Paul Croney said:

“Teesside University has worked tirelessly during the pandemic to support and strengthen communities.

“The University has offered skills, expertise, facilities and time, producing much needed PPE, training healthcare workers, bolstering the frontline and volunteer response and enabling businesses to pivot to online operating models. Our commitment to working in partnership to deliver social impact powers our mission to transform lives and economies, and we will continue to deliver this as we support the UK to build back better.”

Find out more about Universities UK’s #GettingResults campaign www.universitiesuk.ac.uk.

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In conversation with Linda Conlon, Chief Executive of the International Centre for Life, about inspiring young people through careers education

The world of work today is very different to the one I first joined. It’s estimated young people can expect to change careers between five and seven times, and at least two of those will not be of their choosing. Looking back with what may be rose-tinted glasses, it seemed easier to move around and experience different jobs when I began my career.

I think if I was looking to offer some general advice to young people today it would be to keep your career options open. Don’t close them down before you have to and focus on one specific area.

It’s a positive thing to sample different work environments. I’ve worked for a multinational company, the government, a regional development agency, and for a number of years I ran my own marketing consultancy, which allowed me to work with a range of businesses and clients.

It’s not always about what you do, but the environment that you work in. If you’re happy and comfortable in your chosen environment you feel like you belong, and that gives you the best chance of a fulfilling and rewarding career.

It always strikes me as sad when some people are stuck in jobs they don’t like. You spend more time at work – in normal circumstances – with your work colleagues than you do at home. Why then would you do something you don’t enjoy?

When I was at school, I didn’t really benefit from any specific careers advice; there certainly wasn’t a sustained programme to recognise talent. Someone would come to the school for half a day and ask what you liked doing. I do remember someone saying they wanted to travel and they were advised to be a bus driver.

It was also quite common at the time to choose between arts-based or science-based subjects. Now, people don’t necessarily have to do the classic trio of subjects – maths, physics and chemistry. People can choose to study a mix of subjects that gives them a breadth of knowledge.

It’s really important to introduce people to the world of work from an early stage and that’s something we try to do in the centre’s visitor attraction, Life Science Centre. We offer an informal learning environment and we want to inspire people when they visit, ignite their curiosity and get them thinking in different ways. We encourage people to think creatively and imaginatively. Those skills are important in the world of work, particularly in science.

We have a mantra at Life Science Centre, which is ‘hands on, minds on, hearts on’. I firmly believe people learn better when they’re actively engaged in something that interests them.

It’s also important to say it’s okay to not know what you want to do in the future; people shouldn’t be worried or ashamed about that. Take your time and get it right.

We often talk about change in the workplace, and we’re currently seeing that at an unprecedented rate. That’s why I think young people should be flexible and not take themselves down a route they’re not sure of.

Parents have an important role to play in that, too. Young people often find they move unconsciously down a career path prompted by their parents.

Sadly, stereotypes still prevail in the science and technology sector, and some of that can come from parents, especially those without an interest in the area. That can discourage young people from pursuing STEM subjects, so we need to help students and their parents understand how science qualifications can stand them in good stead across many different careers.

In the gaming sector, for example, a large majority of people have qualifications in maths and physics. Unfortunately, young people don’t often make the connection between those exciting, emerging jobs and science subjects.

I’m often asked about my role within the science sector, and what skills and qualifications it takes to become a chief executive.

The first skill is to learn from your mistakes. We all make them, but it’s how you learn from the experience that’s important. I think it also benefits your staff to see someone in a senior leadership position make a mistake and own up to it. It gives them the courage to do the same.

Something that’s always been, and will continue to be important, is communication. It’s essential to be able to explain to people not just what, but why they’re doing something. When people don’t know what’s happening, they fill in the gaps themselves. Communications is something I feel I have a particular strength in, as I worked in the industry for a long time. I believe communications should be frequent, honest and simple.

Developing effective relationships is vital, too. I think a lot of people forget when you have a relationship with an organisation, it’s with the people within it.

Whilst it might sound obvious, listening skills are very important. If you think about our current situation, senior leaders need to understand how it’s impacting staff, their families and their lives. You only get that from listening.

You also need to take risks, and that’s something we’re very good at in Life. As a not-for-profit independent trust, we have a lot of autonomy and entrepreneurial spirit. We used that to adapt during the coronavirus pandemic to become an NHS large vaccination centre.

Taking risks fits with my next attribute, which is thinking outside the box. Despite being a not-for-profit, we think commercially at Life. By making a profit we can improve and expand the job we do – and do it better. That’s why it’s key to learn from other sectors and other businesses.

If I wasn’t chief executive of Life, I’d like to be either a wildly successful criminal barrister, or a wildly successful crime fiction writer. I’m always told only a small handful of people become successful criminal barristers. I’d definitely want to be one of the rich ones.

Linda Conlon is Chief Executive of the International Centre for Life, which opened in May 2000, with the purpose of inspiring everyone in North East England to explore and enjoy science and to discover its relevance to their own lives.

Linda is the first woman from Europe to be elected as Chair of the Association of Science and Technology Centres (ASTC), a body which represents more than 600 centres from over 50 countries. Linda is also a former board member of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums, and former Chair of its UK equivalent.

In recognition of her outstanding service to science and science education in North East England, she was awarded an MBE in January 2016.


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Investing in infrastructure key for North East’s economic recovery

By Darren Laybourn, Director and Regional Strategic Lead at Turner & Townsend, and North East LEP Business Growth Board member.

Manchester’s skyline is often used to illustrate how well the economy is performing in the North West. The sight of tower cranes and new buildings appearing across the city suggests a high level of confidence from inward investors, and a vibrant, growing business community.

The construction industry can be a good indicator of a region’s economic health, which is why there has been so much focus on infrastructure and building back better from the coronavirus pandemic.

During the first national lockdown, the construction sector was one of the few areas of industry able to fully continue working. Government further bolstered the sector by investing millions of pounds in supporting infrastructure projects across the UK, including here in the North East, through the Getting Building Fund.

A booming construction sector gives confidence to the business community, particularly startups and SMEs. It encourages businesses to continue to invest in staff, which is vital in helping retain skills and talent in the region.

The UK’s exit from the EU has brought about new labour regulations that if not managed correctly, may result in a shortage of skills in some areas of the country. At a time when we’re looking to recover quickly from the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important we don’t develop a regional cold spot in terms of skills and labour.

The construction industry in the UK accounts for 10% of total UK employment – approximately three million jobs.* It also supports a wider ecosystem including delivery partners, supply chains – even coffee shops that serve workers on their lunch breaks. And it doesn’t stop there. The construction industry is the catalyst for creating new jobs in the longer term too, be that through new office spaces, business parks, enterprise zones, etc.

Cities like Manchester, and Leeds have gained the confidence of investors and the business community. That’s reflected in the amount of investment in new infrastructure projects across both destinations. If we’re going to compete with that we must maintain a good base of capital projects in the region and build back from the coronavirus pandemic.

There are already some fantastic examples of regeneration in North East England. Newcastle Helix has helped grow the region’s health and life science sector by creating an environment where academia and business can collaborate and drive forward innovations in data science, urban science and life science.

In Newcastle upon Tyne, work is beginning at pace on the transformation of East Pilgrim Street. The £100m project will introduce new offices, bars, restaurants, car parks, and housing in the city centre. The first phase of the project will see the creation of a new landmark, 14-storey, Grade A office building.

Across the river in Gateshead, the £290m NewcastleGateshead Quays regeneration scheme is expected to create around 2,000 new jobs in the North East and provide a £60m annual boost to the local economy.

Projects of this scale and ambition have increased confidence in the North East, resulting in more inward investment and more job creation, which maintains and, in some cases, grows those important skills.

The focus of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership on investment and infrastructure is at the heart of the region’s Strategic Economic Plan. Moving forward, we need to continue the successful delivery of funding programmes in the North East – including the Local Growth Fund. We also need to develop a regional project pipeline and support SMEs in the North East to bid for local work.

Earlier this year the North East COVID-19 Economic Response Group – which comprises the North East LEP, CBI, North of Tyne and North East Combined Authorities, the region’s universities, with the support of industry – submitted its North East Recovery and Renewal Deal to government, asking for a £2.8bn investment to support the North East’s economic recovery from COVID-19.

Building infrastructure to lead transformation and encourage future investment is a key theme in the deal. It is this that will help the region bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic and support future growth and investment in the North East.

Darren Laybourn is Director and Regional Strategic Lead at Turner & Townsend, and a Business Growth Board member at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership

*(source: https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/UK_construction_industry)

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Celebrating careers education in the North East during National Careers Week

Michelle Rainbow, Skills Director at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership, welcomes the start of National Careers Week 2021.

Today marks the beginning of National Careers Week, a celebration of the importance of good careers guidance, and the resources available to help students make more informed decisions about their futures.

Running from 01-06 March, it’s an opportunity to highlight the role careers guidance has in helping young people prepare for the world of work, as well as shining a light on the many and varied routes to employment.

National Careers Week is also about supporting teachers and educators to access the wealth of free resources available to help them deliver quality careers education in schools and colleges – something the North East LEP has been leading in our region through North East Ambition.

Finally, it provides businesses the chance to engage with students and the education sector about the employment opportunities available for young people within their organisations.

Throughout this week we’ll be highlighting the different ways the North East LEP is working in partnership with education and business to improve young people’s understanding of the world of work.

Each day we’ll focus on a different audience: primary, secondary, higher education, further education, and businesses. We’ll highlight some of the progammes and initiatives led by the North East LEP, and those by our partners in education and industry, that are helping young people make more informed choices about their future.

We’ll highlight the success of the LEP’s Career Benchmarks Primary Pilot, which is raising the aspirations and broadening the horizons of North East primary school pupils. We’ll also share details of North East Opportunities, a new website delivered in partnership with NP11 that provides information for students at school leaving age about traineeships, apprenticeships, T-Levels, further/higher education, and other academic and vocational routes to employment.

Underpinning National Careers Week is its alignment with the Gatsby Benchmarks. The North East LEP was instrumental in delivering the Good Career Guidance Benchmarks pilot in partnership with the Gatsby Foundation, and it’s fantastic to see the benchmarks are now central to the success of careers education in England.

Schools, colleges, universities and businesses are all invited to take part in National Careers Week. Join the conversation on social media using #NCW2021 and don’t forget to visit www.nationalcareersweek.com where you can download toolkits to help promote your involvement.

The North East LEP is proud to support National Careers Week and champion the amazing work done by our educators and business community to improve skills and opportunities for young people.

By helping our students better understand the employment opportunities available in the region – and the pathways to reach them – we will help create more and better jobs for the North East and grow our economy.